User Awareness Session of IIS University and National Digital Library of India

Start Date: 
Thursday, 15 April 2021
Start Time: 
03:00 pm
Zoom meeting

Central Library organized an online orientation session of IIS University Digital Library on April 15, 2021 at 3.00 pm on zoom platform. About 110 students participated in the session.
Dr. Sonal Jain, Librarian, informed the students about the library resources and facilities and different online databases subscribed by the library. She demonstrated them how to access different databases, how to make use of filters, how to narrow down the results, get readily available citations from databases. She also informed regarding the availability of scanned previous years’ question papers and best answerscripts of Semester End Examinations on the platform.
The students were informed about the National Digital Library of India (NDL India) which is an all-digital library that stores information (metadata) about different types of digital contents. They were also made aware of IISU NDLI Club wherein a number of activities would be organized to promote and create awareness among the students to use and refer NDL resources.